How to Increase Penis Size by 1.5 Inches In 6 Months – First Ever FDA Approved Penis Extender


Recently the FDA in the US approved what is their 1st ever Penis Extender Approval, which their urinological research clinic observed that this new device produced tangible results, where the study concluded that this new device can potentially enlarge your manhood by a further 1.5 inches in approximately 6 months.

Known as the Phallosan, this device has in fact been on the market in Europe for just over 10 years now, however it has taken some time to reach the U.S due to the F.D.A’s strict approval policies.

If you are unfamiliar with this new device it is in fact completely different to the Traditional Extensional Devices, where essentially you place a frame at the base of the shaft, where it extends along it and grips the head Phallosan Forte discount.

Manufacturers of the framed devices state that through a constant light traction on the shaft of the penis, overtime, this will help increase your penis length.

There is little if any medical evidence to support this. Some of the most expensive manufacturers of these devices do offer urinological scientific data to support the fact that their devices are genuine, but these should really be taken with a pinch of salt.

However, with the Phallosan – the fact that it’s essentially NOT an Extension Frame Device but in fact a vacuum protector which bases its successful method on the findings that new cell and tissue formation is induced by mechanical stretching.

Described as soft, painless and proven to be effective, the Phallosan is more than half the price of some extension devices on the extender market and if results concluded by the F.D.A are indeed true, then this might well be the only guaranteed way to see real results as opposed to surgery.

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