Five Advantages of Choosing WordPress As Your Number One Blog Platform


If you are searching for the very best blog platform to host your personal or business blog, write down these words, WordPress Blog! You did that so that you will remember to do your due diligence and learn everything you need to know about choosing a WordPress Blog to host your content. There are so many blogging platforms for you to choose from, but it has been said that there is only one best choice and that is WordPress.

I make the above statement boldly and with strong conviction of its validity. There are tons of reasons why it is true that WordPress should be at the top of your list when you are selecting a blog platform. In this article I will focus on only five reasons why this is true.

The number one reason to choose a WordPress platform is that it is free. Web hosting and maintenance can be costly. WordPress costs you nothing. The only cost that is inherent in using this blog platform is that you will need to buy a domain name for your blog to make it fully your own. Domain names can be bought for as little as $2.99 and for as much as $10,000. I don’t recommend the latter unless you are a heavy-hitter on the World Wide Web. Additionally you will need a hosting site, such as, to host your blog. Again, the expense is reasonable and affordable to the massesĀ best hosting companies.

Secondly a WordPress Blog is easy to configure. You do not need to hire a Web Site Programmer to put it together. You simply need to be able to follow a few easy to understand instructions to configure your own blog. WordPress features a host of gizmos known as Widgets. These allow the user to add videos, images, opt-in boxes, and almost any other function that you can think of, without understanding the first thing about HTML coding. You simply grab a small piece of code that is attached to what you are installing and plug it in to the widget. You will never have to call a programmer again if you want to change, add, or remove a function to your site.

The third reason to choose WordPress is that it is easy to use. Once you have your site installed, you are ready to post content. With a couple of clicks you can add your content, upload a complimentary image, and post the content onto your blog. It is really that easy.

The fourth reason to choose a WordPress blog format is versatility. It can be customized to power any type of site you like. It takes a few mouse clicks to switch WordPress from behaving like a Web site, a blog, or both. You can host squeeze pages or landing pages using the WordPress platform. You can also host a simple one-page information site for your product, business, or passion. The sky and your creativity are the limit as to what you can do with this format. WordPress uses easy to understand, logical technology that anyone can understand and employ.

The fifth and final reason to choose WordPress is that you can change the look of your blog literally with one mouse click. If you look at your site one day and decide that it does not convey your desired image or if you simply want a new look, then one click will change the theme. With that click you can transform the look of your blog while your content remains static. The really great news is that there are tons, of themes to choose from. You have a range of beautiful to gorgeous to choose from cheap web hosting.

The bottom-line is that a WordPress Blog platform will more than satisfy multiple website needs and desires. It is an easy to use and manage platform that can host any number of functions through easy to use widgets, and the end product is a clean, crisp, and gorgeous presentation. Without a doubt WordPress Blogs are the Big Kahuna of blog or website platforms. It is sometimes said that a WordPress Blog is both free and it is priceless. Don’t take my word for it. Jump into a WordPress Blog today and transform your online image and presence.

If you need some help installing your WordPress Blog, see my resource block below. I will be glad to help you in the process.

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