Christmas Wishes From a Hurting Economy


Are you feeling the horrible effects of this economic downfall? Have you been looking for a job all year with no luck? Do you often wonder when you’re going to get a break from the heavens above and stop struggling? Well, many of us are striving for a happier existence in the coming of the New Year. Supposedly the recession is over, but time is what will tell. How do we get back on our feet? Here is a list of common Christmas wishes from people all over the US who feel the wrath of this crumbling economy Merry Christmas wishes

1. Please, all I want for Christmas is a job.
2. I want to be one of the employees that is getting promoted and not laid off.
3. I wish for enough money to get off food stamps and provide diapers on my own.
4. I hope for a warm, cozy home to go home to at night.
5. I hope for a second job to supplement my dwindling income.
6. I really need extra support to prevent me from claiming bankruptcy.
7. Please, all I want for Christmas is to sell my house.
8. I just want a winter coat for all of my children.
9. I hope that my divorce settles favorably so that I can take a little extra time to get back on my own two feet.
10. I wish that all my medical bills would be paid off so I can afford to buy things again.

11. I hope to get offered a raise with a position that can advance.
12. I hope that my kids who are graduating from college find a job right away.
13. I wish I would win the lottery to pay off my dead mother’s house and her funeral expenses.
14. I hope to get back all the tangible things that I had to sell in the rise of the recession.
15. I wish we wouldn’t have to go to the soup kitchen everyday.
16. I hope to stay afloat this year without any government help.
Some people want brand new Patio Furniture for their newly renovated mansion this Christmas. But most people just want enough money to survive the winter months. In the worst cases, some people are hoping for a home to sleep in to stay warm. Whatever the case is, this holiday season will be extra rough on the just-making-it survivors of these economic tribulations. Some kids aren’t getting any Christmas presents this year; some don’t even have winter jackets. Let’s hope that some of these holiday wishes come true for our fellow citizens who are currently struggling. Let’s hope for a happier New Year!

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